
Temporary Cement Remover

temp:ex is a solvent for zinc oxide based, dental temporary cements.


  • Working time savings through a significant reduction in manual working steps.
  • Avoids damage to the restoration via instruments during manual working steps.
  • Tested compatibility with standard dental materials.


  • Up to 50% faster cleaning performance using temp:ex in the SYMPRO denture cleaning device.
  • Economical use due to dosage aid on bottle.


Item number 66000000
Scope of delivery:
250 ml (8.45 fl.oz.)
Item number 66000000
Use Pin-impact cleaning unit
Item number
Pin-impact cleaning unit

Technical data

Item number 66000000
Use Pin-impact cleaning unit
Item number
Pin-impact cleaning unit

SYMPRO mini-cup set

Item number 65000410

Hygienically reprocessable cup (for 4 single crowns or up to 4 unit bridges) for cleaning small objects in the SYMPRO denture cleaning unit.

Scope of delivery:
1 mini-cup incl. adapter ring and cleaning needles
  • Catalogue

    PDF (29.53MB)
  • Brochures







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    Products for dentists | Brochure
    Products for dentists | Brochure
    Products for dentists | Brochure
    Products for dentists | Brochure
    Products for dentists | Brochure
    Products for dentists | Brochure
    Products for dentists | Brochure
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    PDF (7.69MB)
    PDF (7.65MB)
    PDF (7.69MB)
    PDF (7.68MB)
    PDF (8.19MB)
    PDF (8.39MB)
  • Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    Safety data sheet

    temp:ex 66000000 DE
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    PDF (749KB)
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  • Brochures





    temp:ex 66000000 | Activator Card | DE
    temp:ex 66000000 | Activator Card | EN
    temp:ex 66000000 | Activator Card | FR
    temp:ex 66000000 | Activator Card | ES
    temp:ex 66000000 | Activator Card | IT
    PDF (204KB)
    PDF (203KB)
    PDF (205KB)
    PDF (1.44MB)
    PDF (203KB)
  • Brochures







    temp:ex 66000000 | Flyer | DE
    temp:ex 66000000 | Flyer | EN
    temp:ex 66000000 | Flyer | FR
    temp:ex 66000000 | Flyer | ES
    temp:ex 66000000 | Flyer | PT
    temp:ex 66000000 | Flyer | IT
    temp:ex 66000000 | Flyer | RU
    PDF (758KB)
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  • Manual / User guide

    Manual / User guide

    temp:ex 66000000 | Technical-scientific documentation | DE
    temp:ex 66000000 | Technical-scientific documentation | EN
    PDF (872KB)
    PDF (868KB)
  • Safety data sheet

    temp:ex 66000000 USA
    PDF (637KB)
  • Declaration of conformity

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    PDF (531KB)
  • Instruction manual

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    PDF (4.97MB)

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Customer reviews

"If manpower of an assistant is not enough, or if you need a more efficient working process, temp:ex is a very helpful thing. In the beginning, I doubted that it could really make a big difference for the workflow. I thought temp:ex is just a liquid. But with temp:ex my assistants could reduce their stress levels from annoying, manual work. It was much more effective than I had expected."

“Previously we had to laboriously remove temporary cements by hand in our dental office, a process in which a restoration may of course be accidentally damaged. temp:ex saves laborious work that would have to be done by hand: simply place the restoration in the cleaning solution, allow it to take effect and remove the cleaned object. Why complicate things that can be done so simply?”

"Mitte September – pünktlich zur IDS – war es wieder soweit: Zum zweiten Mal wurden 300 WIR Überraschungsboxen „Messe@Home“ verschickt – exklusiv an WIR Tester-Club-Mitglieder. Diesmal waren Proben von Renferts Temp:ex und Listerine® von Johnson & Johnson mit dabei".

Lesen Sie wie unser Temporärzemententferner temp:ex eine Empfehlung von 81% erzielt hat

"The removal of temporary cement is very time-consuming and often provides questionable results. The risk of cracking or fracturing the restoration must also be considered. In short, apart from the hygienic aspects, the execution of this task is not really pleasant. With temp:ex, however, the problem is solved: just soak the restoration into the liquid and let it work for about ten minutes, and then it becomes magic. The cement becomes brittle and pasty, and in this state it can be removed quickly and easily. Now temp:ex is part of a solid working process."

Dr. Hyeon woo Kim
Dr. Hyeon woo Kim, Dentist at Miplan Dental Clinic, South Korea
Dr. Sigmar Schnutenhaus
Priv.- Doz. Dentist at The Schnutenhaus Center for Dentistry, Germany
Giuseppe Doti
Master Dental Technician at Doti & Grieco, Italy

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